Friday, 2 November 2012

What is markup language?

Markup language is method in which the text is annotated or commented so that the document is differentiated and the computer can manipulate it. It is readable by human beings because the text is written in markup tag. When you write the text to be displayed on internet, you need to differ between that text and instructions. So in simple terms markup language is a set of words and tag symbols which give instructions on how that particular document should be displayed in output.

There are broadly three types of markup languages; 1) Presentational.  2) Procedural 3) Descriptive.  Several markup languages like HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), XML (Extensible Markup Language), XHTML (Extensible Hypertext Markup Language), MathML (Mathematical Markup Language), RTF (Rich text format), SVG(scalable vector graphics), SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language), GuideML (Guide Markup Language) etc are used. In these languages tags are used to manipulate code. Markup language is created by typing code manually or by using editor. Text editors, Object editors, WYSIWYG and WYSIWYM are some of the examples of the editors.

HTML is most commonly used Markup language. It is used to build website. It helps to define how the text, images should be displayed in web browsers. It is one of the standard languages rated by W3C. It uses angular brackets as its tags to define code. E.g. <b> tag is used for to bold the test; <i> tag is used to make text italic; <u> for underline, <img> is used for image, <font> for size and family of font, <p> for paragraph, <marquee> for motion of the text etc.

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