Friday, 2 November 2012

What is the difference between software and hardware?

Hardware and software are related to computers and are totally different in meaning. They are dependent on each other because software or hardware cannot function alone.  


Hardware is a set of physical devices connected to computer which one can touch. It contsists of CD-ROM, CD-RAM, motherboard, Central Processing Unit, hard disk, sound cards, video cards etc. These are the internal hardware devices while keyboard, monitor, mouse, webcam, scanner, printer are outer devices. Hardware devices are roughly divided in to two types.

Input device and output device. 

Input device are those with which commands are given to computer. Like keyboard, mouse, joystick, scanner etc. Output devices are those in or on which we get output of our commands. It consists of monitor, sounds, printer etc. We can get output in soft copy and in hard copy as well. Result which we can see on monitor, can hear on sounds is type of soft copy. If we print a document and get paper print it is a hard copy.


 Software is programs or set of instructions which have to be installed on computer. They cannot be touched. Software is categorized in three types. 1. System software 2.  Programming software 3.  Application software. 

1. Application software: Application software is suite of programs to perform a specific task. Like accounting suite, graphic suite, office suite 

2. System software: It is known as an operating system of computer. Without operating system pc is like body without soul. There are different o/s available in market viz. windows, linux, macintosh, solaris, ios etc.

3. Programming software: are set of ready-made programs like MS word, Excel, Photoshop etc. These programs again are divided in two various categories like database programs, editing programs, word processor, spreadsheet etc. 

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