Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Software for website development

All the necessary tools which are mandatory to develop websites are bundled together in one suitable package i.e. Software of website development. The tools are image editing tools, graphics, webpage template, scripting language support tools and documents which are helpful in website development. There are various tools and they are as WebPlus, Yola silver, webpage maker, Ezypage and SiteSpiners etc.  There are various large options included in the software. 

This software supports to use the scripting language like JavaScript and VBScript in your website.
 It also supports various multimedia including animation, video and audio files so you can easily add this types of media in your website by using this features.

We can easily modify the HTML code of your website in this software because of it give the permission to developer for editing HTML code.

Website creation software has built in file transfer protocol function. We can also develop business based website because of this software should supports feature of e-commerce.

All these characteristic and information of this package are easy to discover and very simple to understand to beginners website developers. This software provides large number of tutorials related to website development to developer.

Website developments software is very useful to beginners or experienced website developer to build website for personal or professional purpose in minimum time period with include various functionality.

Important things at the time of Web Design and Development

We can assess the company representation and make important clients by developing the website using various content management system techniques like Joomla, Drupal and Wordpress etc. Website design and developing is an organizational task and using talent suitably. We should follow the various key features during website designing and development and they are as

1.    We should design every website according to your business and personal needs.

2.    Ths site can be developede by taking minimum time. This is possible  when we have huge set of template in various styles and other important tools.

3.    We should design our website which should user friendly interface by focus on delivering an easy navigation for users.

4.    We should develop  web site based on SEO technique so it’s very important to increase the ranking of website.

5.    Developer should keep in mind the important thing is that Website is simply navigable and the content of site is csn be easily explored.

6.    Website should be compatible to all browsers like Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari and Opera etc. without changing the look and feel of website.

7.    It should take minimum time to open its pages and it should give fast downloading speed.

8.    Web 2.0 tools are very important in web designing and developing like RSS, Blog and social media.

Word Press in web designing and blogging

Word press is based on pre-processing hypertext language and Mysql database and it is free and open source blogging software. It contains variety of features like plug-in structural design and template system.

Currently word press is most popular content management system on Internet. There are various features provides by Word Press and they are as

1.    Themes: We can change the look and feel of our website or webpage by using different themes without changing the page content. We can do all this process in word press administration tools.

2.    Plug-in: It also very important part in web development based on word press. There are lots of plugins available and we can use it to build various part of our website.

3.    Widgets:  We can easily drag and drop the sidebar content position and also implementation of many plug-in facility and we can increase the functionality of webpage by adding share icon, newsletter slider and many more etc.

4.    Multi user and multi blogger: In word press we can do one blog for every installation and also numerous parallel copies may be run from various directories when construct to use different database tables.

Word press is most popular web design and development platform. Most of the web developers use it to build websites by use of its various SEO compatible feature.

File Application Programming Interface

 Web site is meant for sharing of the information. It is observed that lot of data is sent, received and shared through the Internet medium. There are different ways of sharing information over web, those are:

1.    Including it as Hypertext: Hypertext is the text included directly in the HTML format in the page code. Information here is visible to everyone who accesses the web.

2.    Mailing: This method allows the data to be sent as a part of mail. The information is private and is between sender and receiver.

3.    Sharing on Social networking site: This has emerged as easy way of sharing information with a group of known people. It ensures privacy as well as allows uploading files.

File sharing is one most necessary facility. It is utilized by large amount of people. This is done by using File Application Programming Interfaces also known as File API. They allow access to files on the local system. This is a kind of application that uses Java script to provide access to files. It has to be compatible with different browsers. Most common example of such application is FileReader. It is compatible with Chrome, Firefox, IE 10 and opera.

This application creates a file object every time it is activated. It provides interface for user to programmatically select the file on the local system. The application accesses the file data and thus displays the size of it. It is most commonly used for uploading images. An advance API will allow dragging and dropping of the files.

Programming such application can start with use of simple <INPUT> tag and using it with type attribute specified as file. Eg: <input type=”file”>. This is then further enhanced by adding different features. Dragging and dropping feature is possible with HTML5 where <input> tag is replaced with <div> tag.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

About Information Architecture

Developing website is not an easy task. It is necessary to understand how the website must look. Information architecture basically helps in organizing the website. It provides the basic idea about what pages to add in site. It specifies the flow of information as well as sequence of pages displayed. It is the duty of developer to ensure that a viewer is not lost while viewing the site. Data in a site has to be accurate, should not be repeated and consistent. Viewer must understand which page next to access for continuation. Thus information architecture involves following steps:
1.      Accessing Content If Existing and Working on Needed Content: When site is already developed or partially developed, it is necessary to make sure other information is in sync. For this we need to go through the previous work and then continue with new development. For new site, it is mandatory to consider the data to appear and its effectiveness.

2.       Organizing the Pages: For most important job of any developer is to arrange the several pages across site. The pages must proceed in sequence. The sequence is decided by the information a page holds.

3.       Instructions for Accessing site: There are no such specific instructions. Instructions are generally the tags or topics. Pages are categorized and arranged according to topics. Links for pages are managed so that site won’t look messed up.

4.       Navigational Structure: Navigational structure specifies which page to open on Next and Back keys. This depends on what page is currently accessed. Navigational structure must be managed well for site to not jumble its viewers.

Organizing information across site will help viewer find the required information easily. This will provide them with better experience. This also improves the total number of views and help in acquiring better page rank.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Software for website development

All the necessary tools which are mandatory to develop websites are bundle together in one suitable package i.e. Software of website development. The tools they are content in it are image editing tools, graphics,

Webpage template, scripting language support tools and documents which are helpful in website developments. There are various website development software and they are as WebPlus, Yola silver, webpage maker, Ezypage and SiteSpiners etc.  There are various large options are included in creation of website development software.

This software supports to use the scripting language like JavaScript and VBScript in your website.
It also supports various multimedia including animation, video and audio files so you can easily add this types of media in your website by using this features.

We can easily modify the HTML code of your website in this software because of it give the permission to developer for editing HTML code. Website creation software has build in file transfer protocol function.
We can also develops business based website because of this software should supports feature of e-commerce.

All these characteristic and information of website developments software are easy to discover and very simple to understand to beginners website developers. This software provides large number of tutorials related to website developments to developer of website in it or in their respective website.

Website developments software is very useful to beginners or experienced website developer to build website for its personal or professional purpose in minimum time period with including various functionality all are provides by this software.