Scripting languages are based on high level programming language. High level languages are more compatible to human language than system and it is very useful to system hardware to recognize the various instructions. C, C++ etc. are the example of high level language and all these language are converted into machine language via interpreter and compiler. Scripting means a programs that are written in scripting languages are not executed in front of specific period for particular system. As a substitute scripts which are made in plain text get interpreted into system compatible code when the program runs.
We can add the interactivity into web pages using scripting language. We can use it in many places in our web pages to carry out various cyclic jobs like filling the content in web based form along with users.
JavaScript is popular web scripting language and we can use it with HTML language to improve the functionality of web pages. We can use java scripting with HTML many times to perform some action such as to check validation of input which is put by user, playing audio and video file and image sliding etc.
There are various browsers and they are Internet explorer, Firefox, safari, Google Chrome and Opera etc. all are interpreting these scripting languages along with languages which are used to build web page. In other way this can be done at server side means these scripting are run at server. In server base scripting common gateway interface allow client to execute the scripting located in web server.